“Come on Boyle ! Move it! I want some Ratty pelts and
few days with alone with a female.”
Jaxon grunted under his breath as he pushed Arnon forward through the
They had moved swiftly through the alleys for near a
half hour, with no sign of the renegades. The buzzing in Arnons’ head made it somewhat
difficult to keep his pace up. Cold sweat ran down his neck to pool on his
back, the cold air making him very annoyed.
Contact with the rest of the Enforcers had been
minimal and the only sounds were of creaking metal and the hum of the machinery
going through its routine of turning on and off.
They continued their sweep of the alleyways until
finally coming out into the domes main avenue. The majority of the smoke had
cleared in this area and the Water Filtration and Power Department’s main
building could be seen in the distance., the purifier columns loomed high into
the dome, it’s tiny lights and ladders disappearing into the shadows. Perfect
spot for a team of Ratkin snipers Arnon mused.
< Boyle. Jaxon. What is your 20? >
The vox-feed felt like a megaphone in Arnon’s ears.
The Sarge had a way of being loud even when he was whispering.
“ H block. 3rd Avenue. “ Arnon answered as
Jaxon stepped to his right and raised his combat shotgun, readying himself.
< Copy. Meters from your 7. Proceed with caution. ‘Skins
verified in and around WFPD. Shoot to kill. >
Jaxon nodded to Arnon as they made their way across
the desolate street, guns aimed high. He wondered who would make contact first.
Jaxon smacked his lips and spat.
“ I’ll be damned if Gordy or Sagan get the fraggers
first. Come on Boyle, time to storm the palace, ha ! “ Jaxon sneered as he
leapt over a fence and sprinted towards their enemies location.
Arnon sighed heavily as he unclipped a flash bang and
hauled himself over the fence to follow the younger Enforcer. The walkways were
tight and the lighting dim at best. He could barely see Jaxon ahead of him, and
the air was becoming humid. His visor was fogging due to his perspiration,
making it just one more thing to annoy the hell out of him.
“ Boyle! There’s a tunnel up ahead, have no idea where
it leads. Do we take it down or go around up towards the main control? “ Jaxon
asked once Arnon was within low voice range.
Arnon took his time assessing the situation. Also, he
was winded and needed the quick break. Either way was bad he thought to
himself. They go up, they could be picked off easily. They go below and who knows
what booby traps or ambushes await them. He was about to speak when the vox
link channel opened.
< RATKINS! > the static filled voice screamed as the
unmistakable sound of a heavy stubber began to fire in short bursts.
Instinctivley both Enforcers crouched and swung to
their flanks, ready for a fire fight. The high caliber bullets were ricocheting
above and to the left of them. Jaxon pointed to a gantry about twenty feet
above them. A Ratskin with a lasgun was pinned down but still managing to crawl
away from the heavy stubber fire. Other shadows moved back and forth around the
“ They haven’t seen us yet, let’s move” Arnon smiled
as Jaxon followed his lead. Thye could hear the Sarge yelling in the distance, his bolter singing a song of death for the renegades.
Making their way around to the nearest service lift,
they squat-walked into it, Jaxon pulling a non-issue combat blade from his thigh
armor. He was smiling while the lift ascended in silence, all the while curses
and ‘Skin war cries mixing with gun shots outside sounded miles away.
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