The long years of peace between the fall of Heimduul and the rise of Aluric belonged to the mages and seers. The keepers of knowledge and magic shared with the peoples of Ahmirez, Moier, Iconii and Durran. Even in the dark lands of Pelegrin past the dread forest of Zeohl, the Orc, Troll and Ogre lived in peace with the Humans of this world. It was said that the warrior wizard Ukaar Iconii named this planet after the star god, which he worshipped. His name was Gladius, a warrior who fought for the Sun God Ophear, against the Darkness. Thus many a warrior sought to be like him; brave, fearless and honorable. Gladius was strong and faithful to the Lord of Light Ophear. It was said that he had cast Varg out of the galaxy and into the Realm of Death. Out of the light Varg lives on and his Legions heed his call through the darkness.
Cital Bont, Karnak the One Eye and Haezues Stormchild were three warrior lords in this time period. It was these three friends who destroyed the evil mage Heimduul with the help of Master Albrecht. Now they pledged their swords and axes to the dream of peace. I tell you this friend because only I remember the spirit of those long gone days. It was I, Tarak Gaijanmora, who kept court in the Library of Sathuli the Adored. I am the chosen teller of the History of our peoples, the scribe of Gladius. Yes, I am blessed with longevity so I can continue telling the tales, so all will remember where we came from, and where we are going.
It was a time of peace yes, but that peace was maintained with a heavy toll. Cital Bont ruled the lands of Ahmirez, Karnak ruled the rocky plains of Durran and to the south Haezues sat on the throne of Moier. Lord Albrecht continued to give counsel and held democratic proceedings in Iconii, but still there was whisperings that war could break out at any moment. Nomadic tribes still roamed the earth and the followers of Varg were always amongst them. Lord Albrecht was not a king, he did not rule the kingdom of Iconii, and no one did. He merely looked after its affairs and saw to it that Ukaar Iconiis vision of a free world was kept. He was wise beyond his years and knew much of magic and science. Many of the worlds mages came to hear his teachings as did warriors who wished to learn the discipline of combat. Albrecht was in direct contact with Sathuli constantly. It was her Library that contained the spells and of which banished Heimduuls’ soul after his body perished.
None were ready for the coming of the dark ones though, not even Lord Albrecht. Serbitear the Slayer came from the frozen northlands beyond the Pelegrin River. Hedross came from lands across the ocean, a ferocious barbarian whose army consisted of demons and beast-men. Osgolath the Doombringer, scourge of the South had finally come into power. Yet the worst was still to be seen. His name had been whispered before, The Keeper of the Realm of Death he was called. Gorgoroth. There are hundreds of scrolls of which recount his evil deeds through the long years. It was said he could not die, his powers given to him by Varg himself. Ogres had begun emerging from the dark lands of Pelegrin, a sure sign that he had returned home. The Tower of Heimduul was sure to be his soon. A council was held immediately in the kingdom of Moier.
" Lord Albrecht, my warriors are ready to fight. We number in the tens of thousands. Every able-bodied warrior is ready to defend Moier. Can I say the same for anyone else? Are you all prepared to lay down your lives in the name of peace?" Haezues Stormchild asked, pacing around his throne room.
" Master Stormchild, I believe this war will not be won by sheer numbers alone. Blood will be spilt on both sides, yes but this fight is one of faith. The Doombringer has employed many a sorcerer of the Black Hand and we all know that Serbitear is a servant of the War God. Hedross’ army is one of which your people have never seen. Gladius save us, for my fears have become true. Torches have been lit in Heimduul….Gorgoroth……is here. It would seem the tides of evil are to all hit at once. We must evacuate the farmlands and villages. Soon the enemy will be upon us, none will be spared. Our kingdoms are spread too thin to try and protect it by force alone. I leave the fate of your people in your hands my son. I will do my best to protect Iconii as well the Library of Sathuli." Lord Albrecht let out a heavy sigh.
Karnak the One Eye cleared his massive throat.
" I say we take the fight to them! I would rather face them on the open steppe than hiding behind walls. Cital only has that fiend Gorgoroth to worry about, but my men must face Hedross and Serbitear. I say we attack them! Cut them down as they hit our sea ports and rivers. If what my seer has said is correct they number in the millions. I will not sit and wait to die while I can hunt these dogs!" He finished with slamming his drinking horn on the table.
Cital Bont stood up slowly.
" Karnak has a valid point friends. I also will not wait for my lands to be invaded. That is not the way of the Ahmirez. I understand that Iconii is a hollowed land, sacred to all. We do not have much in the ways of magic…we are fighting men, we are the Gladius Honori are we not? My men also number in the tens of thousands. I do not know if Gorgoroth has raised an army, but I know if he does it will surely be of the Orcish and Goblin. Either way, I will not wait to meet him in battle. He fought my father in the battle for the highlands some three decades ago. My father defeated him then and so shall I! I know not if he is human nor do I care. The Ahmirez will lend aid to whomever needs it."
Lord Albrecht stiffly smiled. He hoped they would listen to his council, but as always the men of Gladius were a proud warrior race. They would never back up or cower in their castles and keeps.
" We have reports that the agents of Hedross already stalk my rocky domain. My warriors seek them now. I suggest you all do the same in your own lands. Lord Albrecht, you know I respect you like no other but your magics will not save your people from the wrath of steel. You too must don your armor and sword. It is the only way. The dream of peace is dying. We must fight to keep it from becoming dead." Karnak said rising from the table to leave.
" Master Karnak, do not be hasty. You know as well as I do that Suydan the Seer gave you the same advice as I have. You must not rush so quick to your death. Is your lust for martial prowess stronger than your sense man?" Lord Albrecht asked.
Karnak sneered and continued walking out of the throne room. Haezues stirred in anger, throwing his chalice across the hall.
" That foolish bastard! He going to get all his people slaughtered and will leave the steppes open for the enemy! " Haezues roared.
" Have faith in him my friend, he knows what is best for his people as you do for yours. I myself will take a war party into Pelegrin and attack Heimduul Tower, the rest of my Legion shall garrison here."
Cital Bont bowed his head and then saluted by crossing his arms. Lord Albrecht stood as well. They left the throne room together, hoping to find Karnak on the Keeps steps. Instead Tarak Gaijanmora, the scribe, greeted them with a warm smile.
" May Gladius and Ophear protect you my friends. I must go now. The mages, seers and wizards of this world hold summit in Iconii. I will send as many of them to you once our meeting is over. You will need them more than ever."
Tarak embraced his young friends and shuffled off.
Osgolath fastened his armor and tied his leather belt tight around his waist. His two short swords hung at his sides and a war-club was strapped to his back. With His dirty brown hair tied back he began applying his war paint. His servant scurried into his tent, wheezing and muttering.
" Master?’ he hissed.
" What is it Zazo? I’m busy you worm." Osgolath growled.
The servant said nothing, just presenting his master with an item wrapped in black velvet.
" Gorgoroth sends you a gift master…." Zazo whined.
Osgolath grimaced. He had never met the sorcerer warlord but knew his reputation. He wondered what could the Keeper of Death want with him. He yanked the package from Zazos’ hands and kicked him aside. He unwrapped it quickly and gasped at its content. The blade itself seemed to be pure black obsidian, though it was clearly forged by metal. It’s crimson handle and brass pommel were engraved with all manner of symbols, some of Varg and some he did not recognize. It was a foot in width and nearly four feet long. It’s beauty was matched by it’s lethal appearance. Blasphemous words were etched along the blade and a note was attached to the hilt. Osgolath shivered has he unrolled it, realizing it was made of flesh and not of paper.
" See me soon aye? No doubt he wants me as a servant and not an equal. Hmm, thus accursed blade belonged to Heimduul then. Very interesting. " He now held a blade that was bound to a demon, and the blade to it. Yet he was now both their master.
Striding out of his tent, he donned his hog faced war helm and climbed onto his dark steed. He nodded to the priests of the Black Hand and unsheathed the sword of Heimduul for all to see. The horde all seemed to gasp as one as they realized Osgolath had been chosen by Varg himself.
" Varg has blessed us this night! May you spill the blood of the weak! Show no mercy to the people of Moier! Glory to the Southlands! We march for war my brothers! " Osgolath shouted, spurring his steed to the battlefield as his army moved as one, the earth quaking under their feet.
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