Tuesday, December 02, 2008



Rats. Rats are crawling over me, Dax thought as he forced himself awake, he opened his eyes but still his world was nothing but darkness. He vomited painfully, the rats jumping and running off of him to gorge on his last meal and what tasted like blood. He struggled to catch his breath, the thick toxic air only furthering his nausea. He dared not yell for Ren or make any sudden movements, he was at Hive Bottom, and he was not safe.
* * *
Somewhere just on the outskirts of Bad Dust, two old friends sat inside an abandoned tunnel, one of them was dying, the other desperately trying to keep his friends guts from spilling onto the floor. Dino had had taken two bolter rounds to the stomach, it was a miracle he still lived, but Colt could only do so much and they were too far in enemy territory to look for help. At least they got away, he was pretty sure Dax got away, the kid had a knack for survival. He checked his ammo and looked Dino in the eyes. “ Can you stand brother? “ Colt stood and reach out his hand. Dino glared at him and clenched his teeth, his words harshly rolling out of his mouth. “ Gimme a gun and water….and get the fock away…..please….take care of Illiana…..you gotta get away brother….” He struggled to stay conscious. Colt handed him a stub gun with a few extra rounds and a metal flask full of water. Dino smiled as best he could, the stub gun heavy in his hand.He knew it was pointless to argue with Dino, he embraced him one last time and walked away. Colt didn’t look back as walked down the length of the tunnel, Dino eventually becoming a silhouette. He walked on despite the terrible sense of loss and grief in his heart, Dino would probably be dead by the time he found his way home. He knew that going back home would not be safe though. Nowhere was safe.
* * *
In the darkness Dax Kelly, the Stranger, searched for Ren. He stumbled around, still light headed from the blood loss, he wondered how long he had been unconscious or why Ren what was not near where he had fallen. He covered his face with his bandana, trying to filter some of the putrid stench as best he could, his knife drawn he wandered towards his best bet- a slight breeze. A dull wisp of air had been flowing towards him now for several minutes, not a steady breeze, but a shot of air, like it was being pumped out of its source. He continued to follow it, cautiously avoiding knocking over the piles of detritus and steeping in heaps of rat dung that he waded through. A faint purplish glow began to light his path as he closed in on the source of the air flow. He was not surprised to find what he did. He pressed his back against the wall, feeling around for another weapon he cursed silently. Three fat Scavvies sat around an old dilapidated fan, arguing incoherently. Their rifles lay on the steel grate floor and a crate full of what looked like dead rats was at the center, underneath the dangling glow lamp. Dax edged closer, drawing a second knife that was hidden in his boot. Just past the Scavvies was a blast door, leading probably to several access tunnels, he squatted and tip toed his way in silence. “ Nuvvin’ ta grubs ‘cept lil’ nasty rattys, eh? Told ye I did we’s shoulda chased afta that git! “ one of the Scavvies, said slamming a rat carcass on the floor. The largest of the three laughed heartily, slapping his knee. “ Ol’ Grog ain’t back from huntin’ dem “Skins neitha, he ain’t back soons Ima gonna eat his share! HA!” The third one spoke, his voice raspy and cold. “ Fug ‘em. Thems back too late, oh wells, Scavvs gotta eat yea? Least I gotts dis!” The Scavvie held up an ornate pair of laspistols- a twin pair. Dax realized they were his and cursed himself for being so stupid as to loose them. He had earned them. He had fought in the long war gainst the Bugs, his entire outfit left for dead, but he and his squad made it back alive, now they were in the hands of bottom feeding, Sump dwelling Scavvies! He realized getting them back would be a dangerous gamble, he wondered if he would be able to slip past them regardless, the three fat Scavvies were blocking his way out. Either way he would have to face them.

* * *

“ So tell me Nadine, how long since you have been gone from Noble Ran Lo? Having a good time I hope? “ Arbitrator Rodrigo extended his hand to shake Nadines. She did not bother to return the gesture, instead she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “ I’m having a wonderful time, thank you, might I offer you a glass of wine, Mistress Brianna has splendid tastes.” She sat down, slowly crossing her legs and leaning back, her white gown huggin her curves gently. Rodrigo smiled and sat on the couch opposite her. “ Thank you, but I will have to pass on the offer, strictly business I’m afraid. I’m sure your aware of the situation your father is in? Have you had any communications with him recently? I ask only because the company he keeps may put you in danger. I would be a shame if a tragedy would befall your family simply because your father is on the wrong side of the Law.” Nadine stared at him long and hard, her eyes narrowing she thought about killing him right then and there, after all he was not in his armor. She swallowed her hate and smiled at him. “ We don’t speak, my father and I. I hope he will be safe but you need not worry about me , Brianna keeps much better company. Besides who would want to hurt my father? His hey day with the Guild is long gone, he’s just another tired, old man.” She tried to laugh it off, fishing for the Enforcers next revelation. He shook his head. “ I see you don’t understand. Your no fool, I can see that, don’t think I don’t know everything about this Hive and what goes on beneath it. I’m trying to help you woman. Be sensible, your father crossed the wrong people, he will die and you will to. I can not protect you, and don’t think for a minute Brianna or Grimskull can.” He glared through her. She froze, didn’t know what to say. If he knew she worked for Grimskull, he probably knew about Dax. She decided to play it coy. “ What’s Grimskull got to do with me or my father?” He rolled his eyes. “ Come now, your dads in trouble with one gangster and you run to another for protection? I’m no fool girl, I know that scumbag is here to be your bodyguard! That is a grave mistake Nadine, the man’s a murderer- I know I had him outlawed years ago! Listen, you have to get your father out of Hive City, otherwise his death will trigger a gang war like no other that’s been seen since…….” He trailed off, trying to remember. She finished is thoughts for him. “ Since the Battle at the Crag.” She flatly stated. He fumed. “ Yes, the Crag. Right, well, do what you can, I may be the Law my dear, but no man is safe from The Orman’s reach.”

* * *

Watching bloated stinking Scavvies eat rat carcass was making Dax a little sick. Killing them would be for the good of the Imperium he mused. He twirled both blades in his hand and leapt up from his hiding spot, he charged headlong at the biggest of them, his knives finding their way into the soft rotting flesh of his guts. He screamed. The other Scavvies were screaming too, Dax and the big one landed on the floor, knocking over the fan and pulling down the glow lamp, a thunderous crash bringing on the darkness again. Dax struggled with the big Scavvie, stabbing and pummeling him in the dark as he heard the other tow yelling like mad dogs,. The Scavvie rushed towards Dax the rifles muzzle flare momentarily lighting the area, they were terrible shots. Even at close range their shots came no where near Dax, he rolled to his right, scooping up the dead fat Scavvies rifle he aimed it at the two firing wildly but coyuld not get a decent shot in the dark. The two Scavvies stopped shooting and fell silent. “ I gots it Bewgo! I knows I gots it!” “ Shhhh! It ain’t deads fugger! See! There it is!” The Scavvies raised their rifles, aiming for Dax’s head as he aimed right back. The two Scavvies faces exploded outward in a hail of blood and brain matter. Their bodies fell limp, and Dax stood confused as he never pulled the trigger. A shadow stepped out in front of him. “ Come on you bloody loud bastard! We got to move ‘fore the whole damn clan comes back!” Ren shook his head, two bolt pistols still smoking. Dax grinned a little. Ren tossed him laspistols. “ We have a long walk mate, ‘bout half a day’s time to Down Town.” Ren spat, pulling the blast door open. “ Whats in Down Town?” Dax asked. “ Heh, you ever hear of King Ace the Insane?” Ren turned passing him a canteen. “ Who hasn’t? He’s a Sump Drift Captain, a fraggen Space Pirate and last I heard he was trying to unify the Nomads. Real nasty fragger, can’t be trusted. Why are we going to see that son of a sump rat ?” “He’s my brother, mate.”

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